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Looking to make a change? Social Impact Travel is ready to explode in 2016!

Lisa Crawford

Looking to make changes in 2016? A new form of travel is about to explode. Social Impact Travel… for those of you who love to travel and have a desire to make a difference…

So what exactly is Social Impact Travel?

It’s Travel with a purpose! Travel that will not only transform the lives of others but perhaps yours as well! Social Impact Travel can provide you with an opportunity to build a community with like-minded travelers, become immersed in another culture, and work alongside its people to create enduring social impact.

Why is this becoming so popular?

For those of you who have traveled the world over it is time for something new… A new adventure, a learning experience, a life-changer!! It’s a chance to combine your love of travel with your desire to make a difference. Person-to-person connection can be a strong catalyst for making a change in your life, improving the lives of children, families and communities. And maybe, just maybe the world will become a little brighter because of YOU!

Two popular destinations for 2016 include Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Cuba is on the hot list right now and you will learn more about Cuba in a future post. The Dominican Republic is breathtakingly beautiful and the poverty is devastating. There are a wide range of activities to choose from depending on your skills and your passions.

Street scene in Havana Cuba

Girls selling flowers in Cuba

Vintage cars in Cuba

Sunset in the Dominican Republic

The main focus is on education, the environment and economic development. There are many creative workshops and enrichment exercises to choose from, including learning Spanish and training. All of your options give you the chance to explore the region and enjoy the beaches and recreation.

Here are just some of the ways you can make a difference:

  • Teaching basic English language classes

  • Sports

  • Creative Arts

  • Music

  • Distribution of water filters

  • Reforestation activities

  • Cutivation of organic chocolate plants

  • Home improvement and construction

Is this on your bucket list of resolutions for 2016? It is on mine! Call me today to learn more about social impact travel!

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